WISPP Governing Equations
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The model simulates the two-dimensional plane strain Biot equations of soil displacement and pore pressure in the vertical (`z`) and horizontal (`x`)
directions, together with variability in time (`t`). The governing equations solved are as follows:
from equilibrium in the `x` direction,
`(lambda + 2G)(del^2w_x)/(del x^2) + G (del^2w_x)/(delz^2) + lambda (del^2 w_z)/(delxdelz) + G(del^2w_z)/(delzdelx) - (delu_w)/(delx) = 0 `
from equilibrium in the `z` direction,
`(lambda + 2G)(del^2w_z)/(del z^2) + G (del^2w_z)/(delx^2) + lambda (del^2 w_x)/(delzdelx) + G(del^2w_x)/(delxdelz) - (delu_w)/(delz) = 0 `
and from continuity principles incorporating Darcy's Law of fluid flow through a deformable porous medium
` del/(delx)[(k_(x x))/(gamma_w)(delu_w)/(delx) + (k_(xz))/(gamma_w)(delu_w)/(delz)] + del/(delz)[(k_(z x))/(gamma_w)(delu_w)/(delx) + (k_(zz))/(gamma_w)(delu_w)/(delz)] = C(delu_w)/(delt) + del/(delt)[(delw_x)/(delx) + (delw_z)/(delz)]`
The variation in time (`t`) and horizontal distance (`x`) is simulated in real and imaginary space:
`w_x(x, z, t,) = barw_x(z) exp[i(ax - omegat)]`
`w_z(x, z, t,) = barw_z(z) exp[i(ax - omegat)]`
`u_w(x, z, t,) = baru_w(z) exp[i(ax - omegat)]`
Resulting in the governing equation in real and imaginary conditions:
from equilibrium in the `x` direction,
`-a^2(lambda+2G)w_x + G(del^2w_x)/(delz^2) + ia(lambda + G) (delw_z)/(delz) - iau_w = 0`
From equilibrium in the `z` direction,
`(lambda +2G)(del^2w_z)/(delz^2) - a^2Gw_z + ia(lambda +2G)(delw_x)/(delz) - (delu_w)/(delz) = 0`
and from the continuity equation and Darcy's Law.
`-a^2(k_(x x))/(gamma_w)u_w + (k_(zz))/(gamma_w)(del^2u_w)/(delz^2) + ia(k_(xz))/(gamma_w)(delu_w)/(delz) + ia(k_(zx))/(gamma_w)(delu_w)/(delz) = - iomegaCu_w + aomegaw_x - iomega(delw_z)/(delz)`
`x` |
horizontal axis (m) |
`z` |
depth into the seabed (m) |
`t` |
time (s) |
`T` |
wave period (s) |
`L` |
wavelength (m) |
`lambda` |
Lame's elastic constant (kPa) |
`G` |
elastic shear modulus (kPa) |
`K` |
drained bulk modulus (kPa) |
`C` |
compressibility coefficient (kPa-1) |
`k` |
coefficient of permeability (m s-1) |
`gamma_w` |
specific weight of water (kNm-3) |
`w_x` |
total displacement in the horizontal direction (m) |
`w_z` |
total displacement in the vertical direction (m) |
`u_w` |
pore water pressure (kPa) |
`P_0` |
pressure wave amplitude (kPa) |
`a` |
wavenumber `((2pi)/L)` (1/m) |
`omega` |
angular velocity `((2pi)/T)` (1/s) |
`i` |
imaginary unit `(sqrt(-1))` |